Thursday, December 17, 2020

Apple, Thou Art A Bitter Fruit


After upgrading my early 2015 era Macbook Air to Apple's newest OS Big Sur I tried to download Godot to play around with it. Imagine my surprise when I wasn't "allowed" to open Godot because of Apple's over-zealous security measures.

I ended up having to go into the system preferences just to let Godot run.

I find this totally unacceptable. IMHO this is clearly an attempt to funnel all third party software through their app store and/or their developer program to "certify" that this software is okay to run.

Godot is a free and open source alternative to Unity and many people use it do develop indie games over Unity because it is free.

I know there are workaround for this sort of things and people may argue that I should do "X" or "Y" or "Z" but to me that's not the point. If I choose to distribute a game I make on, for example, and the game refuses to run because it may not be safe then Joe Normie is going to think I, and, are pushing some sort of Malware.

I'm not. are not either. It's silly.

I'm very close to deciding that Apple and it's customers are not my target audience anymore. Which is sad as I used to be a big fan of Apple back in the day when they were the underdog. Back before OS X.

What's even more sad is that Microsoft has been going this way too. Download an open source project off the web and get all kinds of warnings that the software might not be safe. Again, IMHO, another veiled attempt to get you to go through Microsoft approved sites.

Maybe it's time to become a Linux only dev?