Monday, April 30, 2012

I've Returned...Again!

By Daniel Biehl

Well, back to Blogger.

I do have a domain name but some stupid Russian hacker got into my .htaccess site and is redirecting all my traffic to another domain.  I think it's Russian as the domain redirect to a site with a .ru domain.  Stupid hackers.

Of course, I've gone through great lengths to try and clean it up to no avail. I've stripped my site down to a basic, static HTML file and the redirect is still there.  Yes, I've removed all .htaccess files and I'm still being redirected.  Unfortunately I hosted my site with GoDaddy.  Should never have done that.  Apparently they have a history of this sort of thing happening and it happens at a lower level (server wise) than can be accessed by their customers.

So, I'll use Blogger for a while until I can figure out how I can try to fix things.  One thing is for sure. I'll never use GoDaddy again.  Nor will I recommend them to anybody. Sigh.

Just out of curiosity, and it seems a strange question to pose on a hosted/free blogger site, what hosting providers do you use?